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Firma din Sfantu Gheorghe,detinem mai multe tipuri de sprinter cu masa utila intre 1300 si1500kg,prelata 8ep 4,2ml,carosat 10ep 5,5ml,duba normala 6ep 4,5ml,van mic cu masa de 1100kg 2ep, van masa utila 1000kg,asigurare CMR,oferim factura cu tva!Oferim seriozitate si promptitudine! Plecari din zona cv-bv-hr

Company status: Active

  • Debts to the state: (hidden)

Date of establishment: (hidden)

Tax ID: RO27275755   Reg. Number: F14/504/2010

VAT payer: YES (from (hidden))

Main activity: (hidden)

Registered address: (hidden)

ZAMFIR VASILE-LAURENȚIU ÎNTREPRINDERE INDIVIDUALĂ does not have published any balance sheet information (financial data) at the Ministry of Finance

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