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Cargopedia ID: (hidden)

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Company status: Active Tax inactive company (from 21/03/2022)

  • Is not listed in IPB (Insolvency Procedures Bulletin)

Tax ID: 35190595
Reg. Number: J12/3331/2015

Registered address: ALEEA..., C... C...

Employees: 1

People in the company's management


  • Trifu...


  • Mureș...
  • Trifu...
Financial data
Financial rating: 81%
The financial rating is calculated using a complex algorithm, by analyzing financial indicators from the last balance sheet (2015). A low financial rating signals the risk that, in the absence of a loan, the company may enter into insolvency in the near future.
  • Turnover: 333...
  • Profit: 256...
  • Cash and bank: 661...
  • Equity: 248...
  • Debts: 335...
  • Debts to the state: ? (hidden)
  • Share capital: 200...

* Indicators reported on 31/12/2015 (last published balance sheet)

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ALEEA..., C... C...
Rad... (Chief Executive)