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Temporarily suspended account (from 08/12/2019)

The account of REY LOGISTICS SRL has been disabled in concordance with Section 6.1 from our Terms and Conditions.

Freight forwarder and Carrier

Cargopedia ID: (hidden)

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Rey Logistics este partenerul la care apelezi cand ai nevoie de un transport. Este specialistul in transporturi, ce ofera servicii de intermediere si expeditie pentru orice tip de marfuri, la orice destinatie. Suntem tipul de partener pe care te poti baza oricand si suntem alaturi de tine pe tot parcursul drumului, un drum lung, insa vazut mult mai simplu prin intermediul nostru. Suntem aici pentru a-ti oferi cea mai buna solutie in ceea ce priveste transportul in activitatile de transport pe care le desfasori. Rey Logistics ofera clientilor sai servicii integrate de distributie, depozitare si logistica. Aria de acoperire a Rey Logistics include 10 judete: Iasi, Botosani, Suceava, Vaslui, Bacau, Neamt, Vrancea, Galati Serviciile de logistica ale Rey Logistics includ: - Incarcare/descarcare - Depozitare/Arhivare - Repaletare

Company status: Tax inactive company (from 19/09/2018) Dissolution or liquidation

  • Occurrences in IPB (Insolvency Procedures Bulletin): (hidden)
  • Debts to the state: (hidden)

Date of establishment: (hidden)

VAT code: 31939045   Reg. Number: J22/1132/2013

VAT payer: NO (from (hidden))

Main activity: (hidden)

Registered address: (hidden)

Share capital: (hidden)

Average number of employees: (hidden)

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