Freight forwarder and Carrier

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Prin compania noastra, RADU TRANSPORT LOGISTIC SRL, va punem la dispozitie cunostintele echipei noastre de logisticieni experimentati si specializati pe diverse metode de transport rutier, maritim sau aerian. Gestionam si controlam cu succes peste 5000 de transportatori oferind solutii pentru transportul marfurilor generale,frigorifice, agabaritice in regim FTL, LTL, FCL sau LCL ori transporturi express la nivelul Europei.

Company status: Active

  • Risk of insolvency:
    The risk of insolvency is calculated using a complex algorithm, by analyzing financial indicators from the last balance sheet (2023). A higher risk of insolvency signals the possibility that, in the absence of a loan, the company may run out of cash in the near future.
  • Debts to the state: (hidden)

Date of establishment: (hidden)

VAT code: RO32825103   Reg. Number: J10/131/2014

VAT payer: YES (from (hidden))

Main activity: (hidden)

Registered address: (hidden)

Share capital: (hidden)

Average number of employees: (hidden)

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