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Loco Profile produce profile arhitecturale decorative pentru interiorul si exteriorul constructiilor. Produsele noastre sunt realizate din polistiren expandat [EPS] sau polistiren extrudat [XPS], din care reusim sa cream elemente deosebite de: decoratiuni interioare si exterioare, elemente pentru constructii (cofraje polistiren expandat) ambalaje, machete, litere si sigle volumetrice si altele. Va oferim serviciile specializate ale unei echipe tinere care lucreaza împreuna din 2011, bazate pe creativitate si fantezie în designul şi productia de articole din polistiren folosind materiale de cea mai buna calitate.

Company status: Active

  • Is not listed in IPB (Insolvency Procedures Bulletin)

Tax ID: RO28278962
Reg. Number: J01/231/2011

Registered address: STR...., A... I...

Employees: 3

People in the company's management


  • Narte...
  • Munte...


  • Narte... (? %)
  • Munte... (? %)
Financial data
Financial rating: 68%
The financial rating is calculated using a complex algorithm, by analyzing financial indicators from the last balance sheet (2023). A low financial rating signals the risk that, in the absence of a loan, the company may enter into insolvency in the near future.
  • Turnover: 246...
  • Profit: -36...
  • Cash and bank: 344...
  • Equity: -10...
  • Debts: 745...
  • Debts to the state: ? (hidden)
  • Share capital: 200...

* Indicators reported on 31/12/2023 (last published balance sheet)

Complete financial data and analysis by years »
STR...., A... I...
Danie... (Shareholder / Associate)