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Asigura o gama larga de transporturi generale si speciale,in conditii excelente.Avantaje oferite:costuri minime,siguranta asigurare CMR pentru marfa,transport rapid al marfurilor in Europa,monitorizare GPS pe intregul parcurs al transportului,dispecerat la dispozitia clientului 24/7. Ce oferim: Oferim transport marfa international saptamanal din si catre:Franta,Marea Britanie,Olanda,Germania,Austria,Elvetia,Danemarca,Suedia,Norvegia,Irlanda, Cehia,Polonia,Ungaria,Turcia,Bulgaria si Romania. De asemenea oferim transport intern cat si extern express,partial sau complet. Cu ce lucram: Dispunem de flota proprie compusa din 13 auto Mercedes Sprinter de 3,5t. Transportam marfa pe paleti si textile pe stendere.

Company status: Active

  • Risk of insolvency:
    The risk of insolvency is calculated using a complex algorithm, by analyzing financial indicators from the last balance sheet (2023). A higher risk of insolvency signals the possibility that, in the absence of a loan, the company may run out of cash in the near future.
  • Debts to the state: (hidden)

Date of establishment: (hidden)

Tax ID: RO30672038   Reg. Number: J03/1277/2012

VAT payer: YES (from (hidden))

Main activity: (hidden)

Registered address: (hidden)

Share capital: (hidden)

Employees: (hidden)

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