
Cargopedia ID: (hidden)

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Va asiguram ca suntem o companie de incredere, flexibila fata de orice potential partener, respectam si promovam etica in afaceri oferindu-va servicii de calitate.Pentru ca marfa dvs. sa ajunga la timp si in siguranta la destinatie aveti nevoie de un partener de incredere care sa va ofere suportul logistic si informatic privind derularea transporturilor. Daca vreti ca bunurile dumneavoastra sa fie transportate in conditii optime, iar marfa sa ajunga la destinatie intacta . calitativ si cantitativ, respectandu-se totodata si cerinta de orar, apelati cu incredere la serviciile de transport marfa ale S.C. LAR CRIS COM srl.

Company status: Active

  • Risk of insolvency:
    The risk of insolvency is calculated using a complex algorithm, by analyzing financial indicators from the last balance sheet (2023). A higher risk of insolvency signals the possibility that, in the absence of a loan, the company may run out of cash in the near future.
  • Debts to the state: (hidden)

Date of establishment: (hidden)

Tax ID: RO9014433   Reg. Number: J15/359/1991

VAT payer: YES (from (hidden))

Main activity: (hidden)

Registered address: (hidden)

Share capital: (hidden)

Employees: (hidden)

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