
Cargopedia ID: (hidden)

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Efectuam transport marfa generala oriunde pe teritoriul Romaniei, Polonia, Grecia si in Europa de Vest. Pentru marfuri incepand de la 0.1 tone pana la 40 tone va stam la dispozitie NON-STOP. Preturile noastre sunt negociabile in functie de distanta parcursa, greutate marfa, volum marfa, frecventa curselor, termen de plata, etc. Suntem deschisi oricaror propuneri venite din partea dvs. astfel incat sa realizam impreuna un serviciu avantajos pentru ambele parti la un pret cat mai bun. Ne puteti solicita pentru urmatoarele servicii de transport intern si international .Telefon 0744219530 sau 0740640503.

Company status: Active

  • Is not listed in IPB (Insolvency Procedures Bulletin)

Tax ID: RO29307500
Reg. Number: J05/1917/2011

Registered address: STR...., O... B...

Employees: 3

People in the company's management


  • Ples...


  • Ples... (? %)
Financial data
Financial rating: 89%
The financial rating is calculated using a complex algorithm, by analyzing financial indicators from the last balance sheet (2023). A low financial rating signals the risk that, in the absence of a loan, the company may enter into insolvency in the near future.
  • Turnover: 967...
  • Profit: 245...
  • Cash and bank: 294...
  • Equity: -32...
  • Debts: 580...
  • Debts to the state: ? (hidden)
  • Share capital: 172...

* Indicators reported on 31/12/2023 (last published balance sheet)

Complete financial data and analysis by years »
Transport license

License number: ? (hidden)

Validity: ? (hidden)

Last update: 04/04/2022, 09:03
STR...., O... B...