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Suntem o societate comerciala cu raspundere limitata, cu capital integral privat romanesc, avand ca obiect principal de activitate transporturi rutiere de marfuri. Misiunea noastra este sa oferim solutii complete de transport marfa, iar prioritatea noastra este si va ramane servirea clientilor la cel mai inalt nivel. Ne bazam pe construirea de parteneriate puternice, prin a munci alaturi de clientii nostri si pentru a beneficia de rezultate vizibile, bazandu-ne pe urmatoarele aspecte: Experienta, Profesionalism,Incredere,Onestitate.

Company status: Active

  • Risk of insolvency:
    The risk of insolvency is calculated using a complex algorithm, by analyzing financial indicators from the last balance sheet (2023). A higher risk of insolvency signals the possibility that, in the absence of a loan, the company may run out of cash in the near future.
  • Debts to the state: (hidden)

Date of establishment: (hidden)

Tax ID: RO31757655   Reg. Number: J23/4364/2015

VAT payer: YES (from (hidden))

Main activity: (hidden)

Registered address: (hidden)

Share capital: (hidden)

Employees: (hidden)

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