Freight forwarder and Carrier

Cargopedia ID: (hidden)

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CARGO&FREIGHT COMPANY - Din 2016 am inceput sa producem cereale si sa le transportam cu propriul parc auto, cu timpul diversificand marfurile transportate. Anii au trecut, noi am crescut si am ajuns astazi in punctul in care devotamentul, exigenta si promptitudinea noastra ne-a adus suficienti clienti multumiti incat sa putem da mai departe curse si altor transportatori. Suntem un plus pentru toti clientii nostrii, deoarece stim cum este sa fi intarziat cu plata suntem prompti si corecti cu platile! La noi nu exista intarziere sau factura neplatita!!! PRODUCER AND ONLY FREIGHT FORWARDER FOR SEVERAL COMPANIES -DEPOZIT PANTELIMON-DEPOZIT POPESTI LEORDENI Camion+remorca prelate ADR - 29 vehicule, 24 to, Euro 6, prelate decopertabile lateral si tavan, echipate cu 25 chingi, 25 coltare, bara marfa paletata Basculanta ADR - 7 vehicule, 24 to, Euro 5, bene cu podea dreapta , usi pe spate, se poate incarca si marfa paletata sau saci jumbo Camion duba Lift - 2 vehicule, 18 to, 21 de paleti la podea Camion+remorca platforma - 1 vehicule, 80 to, Agabaritic “ gat de lebada” Van - 1 vehicule, 3 to Depozite: Bucuresti: depozit de tranzit: 1000 paleti gestiune stoc Sinești: depozit de tranzit: 1000 paleti

Company status: Active

  • Is not listed in IPB (Insolvency Procedures Bulletin)

Tax ID: RO35511784
Reg. Number: J21/35/2016

Registered address: STR...., S... I...

Employees: 4

People in the company's management


  • Nicol...


  • Nicol... (? %)
Financial data
Financial rating: 72%
The financial rating is calculated using a complex algorithm, by analyzing financial indicators from the last balance sheet (2023). A low financial rating signals the risk that, in the absence of a loan, the company may enter into insolvency in the near future.
  • Turnover: 138...
  • Profit: 257...
  • Cash and bank: 106...
  • Equity: 144...
  • Debts: 785...
  • Debts to the state: ? (hidden)
  • Share capital: 200...

* Indicators reported on 31/12/2023 (last published balance sheet)

Complete financial data and analysis by years »
Transport license

Transport manager:

  • Nicol...

License number: ? (hidden)

Validity: ? (hidden)

No. of vehicles: ? (hidden)

Last update: 03/10/2022, 01:15
STR...., S... I...
Miha... (Chief Executive)